Welcome to the Shopping List App

Manage your shopping lists with ease using our user-friendly app!
Get ready for fast and convenient shopping with the Shopping List app! This simple and smart application allows you to input tasks all on one screen. Whether you’re preparing for food shopping, purchasing clothes, online ordering, or any other shopping activity, this app has got you covered.

Use your mobile list maker to keep track of everything you need for your home. Simply list the items you need to buy, remove them once purchased, or add new ones with ease.


Add New Shopping Lists

Create and manage multiple shopping lists effortlessly.

Edit Existing Shopping Lists

Modify items in your shopping lists as needed.

Delete Completed Items

Keep your lists organized by removing completed items.

Sort Items

Sort your shopping list items alphabetically or manually.

Change App Language

Switch the app language to suit your preference.

Download the App

Available on iOS and Android. Get it now and start managing your shopping lists with ease!

Download for iOS
Download for Android

Contact Information

IT Tech Lux Sarl

13, rue de Bertrange

L-8216, Mamer


Email: admin@ittechlux.com

Shopping List App © 2024